Do not be fooled by advertisements that tell you that you do not need an agent to help you secure the best insurance for your needs. Insurance should not be something you purchase as you would groceries, because having the wrong kind insurance can cost you thousands. Your home and business are valuable assets and you really do not want to cut corners when deciding on your insurance.
We believe that the best way to buy insurance is to select a qualified and experienced agent. Allow the agent to understand your needs, and then design a policy that works best for you. It is in your best interest to have an agent who represents many insurers and who is willing to take the time to get to know you. Independent agents can then market your risk with many different insurers to find you the best possible coverage.
To put this in insurance terms, a company that manufacturers auto parts needs different coverage than a restaurant. A restaurant needs coverage like food spoilage, liquor liability and food poisoning coverage. A manufacture will need product liability insurance, special coverage on equipment, and possibly foreign products liability coverage.
Consider the following items when selecting your agent
· How many insurers do they represent?
· Are they experienced?
· Look for an agent with whom you can develop a good rapport. If you have an effective working relationship with your provider, you will likely have a better experience purchasing comprehensive coverage.
· Do they have an experienced staff?
· Choose local over national. Local providers know both the market and risks; they are typically better able to serve your company and family.
The best thing you can do for your business, or family, is to select an experienced agent who is committed to developing a personal relationship with you and finding you the best options based on your needs. Remember, not all insurance policies are equal. What goes into the policy will determine how claims are settled? You are not buying a product; you are managing your risk. Remember, Insurance is not a product, it's a promise and a trusted relationship.