Over 143 million Americans had their personal information exposed and stolen because of the recent Equifax breach.
The credit reporting industry exists to take raw numbers, run them through mysterious algorithms, and then spit out credit report cards and scores. These scores become final, generally unappeasable judgments that dictate the interest rates that consumers pay on mortgages, car loans, and anything else that requires borrowing.1 Therefore, it is imperative to protect your personal identity and credit.
There are different kinds of identity coverage that you may want to consider. Your personal insurance may or may not cover some level of identity theft. Call our office to get a free personal insurance review. We can offer identity theft coverage.
Identify Theft Insurance - Identity theft insurance provides reimbursement to crime victims for the cost of restoring their identity and repairing credit reports. This type of insurance will help you with certain kinds of expenses to aid you in restoring your credit.
Here are a few ways to reduce your chances of having your identity stolen.
- Keep your computer software up-to-date.
- Use strong passwords and change them regularly.
- Use the latest security software.
- Keep all important documents under lock and key.
- Do not over-share your activity on social media.
- Check your credit report annually.
- Always take credit card or ATM receipts.
- Never use your computer on an open network.
- Reduce your junk email by opting out of offers you do not need.
- Never open an email from a source you do not know.
- Always destroy your paper mail before you place it in the garbage.
- Never give your personal information to a phone solicitor.
Equifax set up www.equifaxsecurity2017.com, a website to help people determine whether they had been affected by the breach.
1 NYTimes; Ron Lieber- September 2017